Ideal Outcomes

4 No-Brainer Ways to Lead Your Team With Purpose


By Jason Richmond, CEO and Chief Culture Officer at Ideal Outcomes, Inc.

Whether your company is small or large, the fact remains that team members look to their leadership for guidance, inspiration and direction. The well-known saying, “employees don’t leave jobs- they leave managers” acts as a cautionary tale for leaders to motivate their employees to success, rather than turn them running in the opposite direction- and likely into the open doors of a competitor. While it’s true that some people are born with the natural characteristics of a strong leader, there’s still hope for those looking to hone their craft. Becoming an effective leader requires attributes such as: humility, strength, transparency and the ability to communication consistently- but that’s not all; here are 4 other ways to effortlessly and successfully become a great leader for your team: Understand What’s Achievable There’s a difference between setting limitations and having realistic expectations. While no one wants to cut short the opportunities for success, there is something to be said about identifying legitimately feasible goals within the scope of time and budgets available.   One information technology leader, says, “understanding what is achievable helps to outline the process and strategy. If you want to go from A to C, you’ll likely need to stop at B first- then move to the next phase. It’s all about being realistic with the expectations for your company and team.” Instill Usefulness In Others He suggests helping team members- especially those under your personal direction- to see themselves as vital and useful members of your organization. “This is how I see it: if you’re in a meeting but you’re not talking or adding any value, then you probably shouldn’t be in that meeting. We want our employees to feel valuable and validated- not just spectators in a company.”  


With the incredible advancements in technology, companies are able to accomplish more on a global scale than ever before. Now, teams from across the country- or around the world- can meet virtually to hold meetings, make decisions and discuss strategies. Yet, as useful as this technology is, it’s important to not consider it an absolute replacement for physically being face to face with his employees, “I try to make at least one trip each year to our various international locations because being directly in front of my team is important to me. Whether it’s Mexico, Germany, Australia, or Malaysia, it’s my job to show up in person outside of the normal communications that we have.” Walk the Walk You’ll never hear a conversation around culture or leadership without hearing someone say that “leading by example” is essential for trust and respect- and they’re right. Now, he uses this experience as the perfect illustration of walking the walk: “Last year (in 2017) when the hurricanes were impacting the coast, we had a building that was housing data that had to be prepped for the storms. One of our senior leaders flew down to help get the job done and for 3 days he worked tirelessly with the rest of the employees- and even slept in the office for 2 nights- until everything was secured. The people around him- and even others throughout the company that had never met him yet caught wind of this- regarded him with such immediate respect for what he did because he was a shining example of walking the walk.”